Waters 2420 ELS Detector


  • Waters 2420 ELS Detector
  • Cables and connectors
  • In-house Warranty Coverage

This is a used Waters 2420 ELS Detector and its tested working. PN: 186002420

The Waters 2420 Evaporative Light Scattering (ELS) Detector is a universal HPLC detector designed for analyzing compounds that lack UV chromophores and are difficult to detect with conventional UV/Vis detectors. It is particularly useful for detecting non-volatile and semi-volatile analytes such as lipids, sugars, polymers, and certain pharmaceuticals. The detection process involves three main steps: first, the mobile phase and analyte pass through a nebulizer, creating an aerosol; next, the volatile mobile phase evaporates, leaving behind small analyte particles; finally, a laser or light source illuminates the particles, and the scattered light is detected to generate a signal.


2420 ELS Detector / PN: 186002420





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