This is a used tested working Perkin Elmer NexION 350D ICP-MS.
The NexION 350D ICP-MS is equipped with a state-of-the-art ion optics system, allowing for superior ion transmission and enhanced sensitivity. Its high-resolution quadrupole mass spectrometer ensures accurate detection and quantification of elements across the periodic table, even at trace levels. With its robust sample introduction system, the instrument provides excellent stability and reproducibility, ensuring reliable results with minimal downtime.
- Quadrupole scan speed: 5000 amu/sec
- Background signal: Mass 220 < 1 cps
- Short-term precision: < 3% RSD
- Long-term stability: < 4% RSD over 4 hours
- Isotope-ratio precision: < 0.08% RSD
- Mass calibration stability: < 0.05 amu over 8 hours of continuous operation
- Quadrupole peak hop (slew) speed: 1.6M amu/sec