This is a refurbished Agilent 7700 ICP-MS System.
The Agilent 7700 ICP-MS is specifically designed for analyzing high-purity materials commonly monitored in the semiconductor industry. Featuring a high-efficiency sample introduction system, a standard optional 5th plasma gas line, and a second (reaction) cell gas line, the 7700s ensures superior performance in eliminating intense interferences within well-known and consistent matrices. For laboratories currently using cool plasma, the 7700s facilitates a seamless transition to the latest ICP-MS technology. With unparalleled cool plasma capability, this system excels in measuring easily ionized elements in high-purity materials like Ultra Pure Water. It enables the execution of all standard semiconductor analytical methods on a single instrument, establishing itself as an industry leader in performance.
- Size: 730 mm wide and 115 kg
- Weight: 79 lbs (36 kg)
- Motor power: 50 Hz
- Pump rate: 0.30 kg h
- Reaction system: Incorporates a 3rd generation Octopole Reaction System (ORS3) with improved ion focusing and increased collision efficiency
- Argon gas: Requires Argon gas of the purity
- Dimensions: 39 in W x 39 in D x 34 in H