This is a used Biorad C1000 Thermal Cycler with Dual 48 Well Block.
The BioRad C1000 Thermal Cycler with Dual 48-Well Block offers a large color display for easy, graphical text-based programming and operates on a Windows system. It allows you to store and transfer data effortlessly using a USB flash drive. To boost throughput, you can connect up to three additional cyclers or add PC control for managing up to 32 cyclers simultaneously. This model also includes an interchangeable dual 48/48 well fast reaction module for added versatility.
- Precision temperature control
- Fast and easy protocol programming
- Protocol autowriter which automatically generates protocols
- Interchangeable block options
- Two 48-well 0.2 ml or one 96-well 0.2 ml
- Gradient design for maximum reagent optimization
- The ability to save protocols to a USB flash drive