This used MJ Research DNA Engine PTC-225 Tetrad Thermal Cycler is tested working.
For high-throughput applications or busy labs, the MJ Research DNA Engine PTC-225 or ‘Tetrad’ DNA Engine Tetrad may be the best option. This allows up to eight separate blocks to run synchronous or independent reactions. A compact footprint is maintained by housing the power supply separately outside the chassis, good for tight spaces or robotic applications.
The PTC225 DNA Engine Tetrad harnesses four PTC 200 DNA Engines in a single compact machine. Four alpha units of any type can be loaded into the DNA Engine Tetrad base, one unit into each quadrant of the base. The same factory installed and custom protocols can be run on the DNA Engine Tetrad as on the DNA Engine. Programs can be run independently on any one Alpha unit or simultaneously on all of them.