This Agilent 7890 GC with Triple Quad 7000 GC/MS and 7693 Autosampler comes fully refurbished by Conquer Scientific.
The Agilent 7000C Triple Quadrupole GC/MS is a system that is designed to provide accurate quantitative results and confident identification, even in complex matrices. It has low detection limits, software tools that simplify method optimization, and is robust.
Agilent 7000 GC/MS Features:
- Instrument Detection Limit (IDL): A more accurate indication of true sensitivity than signal-to-noise (S/N), especially when background noise levels are low
- High sensitivity EI Extractor Ion Source: Delivers confident trace analysis even in complex matrices
- Split flow turbomolecular vacuum pump: Features a rotary vane foreline pump
- Electron-ionization ion source: Independently MS heated
- Hyperbolic quadrupole mass: Two independently MS heated
- Single hexapole collision cell: Features a high-energy dynode (HED) electron multiplier detector
- GC/MS interface: Independently heated