This Agilent 6430 Triple Quadrupole LC/MS has been fully tested and confirmed to be in working condition.
The Agilent 6430 Triple Quadrupole LC/MS System is engineered for precise quantification of narrow UHPLC peaks. With rapid MS cycle times as short as 100 milliseconds, it ensures reliable peak integration by capturing at least ten data points per peak, even for peaks lasting just one second. This capability makes it ideal for complex multi-analyte assays, which demand exceptionally short dwell times.
The Agilent 6430 is highly suited for applications such as food testing, water analysis, and protein biomarker discovery and validation. It delivers enhanced performance at only a slight cost increase compared to its predecessor.
- Sensitivity: 1pg reserpine 300:1.
- Scan rate: 5,200 u/sec.
- Polarity switching: 30 msec.
- Minimum dwell time: 1 msec.
- Number of MRM: 19,800.
- Dynamic MRM: 4,000.
- Mass Resolution (Full width at half maximum): 0.5 Da (manual tune),0.7 Da (autotune)